RSS-Feed Alerts
Solar Wind Alert
L1 real-time ACE data - L1 Solar Wind Alert. Creates a new alert if at least one threshold of |B|, Bz or V is exceeded by the last two hour extrema. (The magnetic field magnitude |B|, the magnetic field component Bz_GSM and the proton speed V at L1). It is 1-minute data from MAG and SWEPAM instruments on the ACE satellite. ACE data accessed from SWPC/NOAA (
Kp Alert
L1 real-time ACE data alert - Kp empirical estimate. Creates a new alert if the estimated Kp value exceeds a specified threshold of Kp and the last two hour extrema. Kp and its deviation probability are derived from the product V*Bz (The magnetic field component Bz_GSM and the proton speed V at L1). It is 1-minute data from MAG and SWEPAM instruments on the ACE satellite. ACE data accessed from SWPC/NOAA (
Aurora Alert
L1 real-time ACE data alert - empirical auroral boundary estimation with corresponding Auroral Activity Level information. Creates a new alert if the estimated auroral boundary position is southern of the specified geomagnetic latitude. The auroral boundary is derived via a Kp estimate from 1-minute data of MAG and SWEPAM instruments on the ACE satellite. ACE data accessed from SWPC/NOAA ( The auroral boundary information is produced from tables at SWPC/NOAA (
GNSS Alert
L1 real-time ACE data alert - GNSS notification. Creates a new alert if the solar wind influence on GNSS accuracy may be significant. It is based on the NOAA Space Weather Scale for Geomagnetic Storms ( and uses an estimated Kp value threshold of the last two hour extrema. It is 1-minute data from MAG and SWEPAM instruments on the ACE spacecraft at L1 which are accessed from SWPC/NOAA (