CME Databases
Coronal Mass Ejection Kinematic Database (KINCAT):
This site provides information on identified CMEs in the SECCHI/COR2 synoptic movies available at the NRL SECCHI website in the SECCHI/COR2 field of view at distances between 2 - 15 solar radii. Since launch of the STEREO mission in October 2006.
Through the intersection of the RAL HI-CME list with the Göttingen CME COR2 GCS best of catalog database we established a catalog of from January 2007 until end of December 2011. We remodeled all of these CMEs with the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) modeling technique developed by Thernisien, Vourlidas and Howard in 2006 based on the 3D CME scheme introduced by Cremades and Bothmer in 2004 based on STEREO/COR2 observations. We determined the estimated Mass of these CMEs based on the work of Angelos Vourlidas, Robin Colannino, and Neel Savani.
HELCATS catalogues:
This site provides catalogue data products which will be the key outputs of interest to the science community and space weather activities.
- WP2 Catalogue: Heliospheric imager CME catalogue
- WP3 Catalogue: CME kinematics
- WP4 Catalogue: ICME Earth arrival catalogue
COR 2 - Catalogue:
This site provides information on identified CMEs in the SECCHI/COR2 synoptic movies available at the NRL SECCHI website in the SECCHI/COR2 field of view at distances between 2 - 15 solar radii. Since launch of the STEREO mission in October 2006, 1071 bright above the coronal background appearing CMEs were identified from January 2007 until end of December 2011. For these events the database contains information about basic CME properties comparable to the SOHO/LASCO CME catalog and spacecraft positions. Out of a selected set of 264 CMEs, which appeared very clear in brightness and structure, 241 of them were analyzed with the Graduated Cylindrical Shell (GCS) modeling technique developed by Thernisien, Vourlidas and Howard in 2006 based on the 3D CME scheme introduced by Cremades and Bothmer in 2004.
UGOE contribution to WP 4 - Low Coronal Event Catalogue (LOWCAT)
List of STEREO/SECCHI HI COR2 shock-driving CMEs with SR characteristics sent to TCD and WP3 members
• Used for inverse modelling of STEREO/HI CMEs (UGOE, TCD)
• Placed online by TCD @ as low coronal event catalogue